Adult Training

Training, skills and support for you.

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*** If you have completed First Aid Module 10A please contact Ian to arrange a short 10B session. This can be done easily and quickly without waiting for the next full course! 07724 964 320 /

Forthcoming Training Dates:

23rd - 25th June
All Weekend, Modules 16, 18 & 38. Introduction to residential experiences, planning residential experiences and practical skills, Face to Face, Glasbury.

June, 15th - 8pm
Module 12B, Programme Planning -Zoom- NB : Module 12A will need to have been completed prior to attending this course Online

July, 27th - 8pm
Module 14, Supporting Young People - Zoom

September, 9th - 8pm,
Module 9, Working with Adults- Zoom

Modules 10A & 10B, Presteigne, Date To be Confirmed.

November, 30th - 8pm,
Module 19, International - Zoom

December, 21st - 8pm,
Module 17, Running Safe Activities - Zoom

Please use the Eventbrite link to book on to each individual training module. Zoom details will be emailed out the day before the training is due.

Eventbrite links will be sent out the month before or please do contact myself or your GSL.

Module 12A Link: TBC

Adult Training Scheme

Adult training is designed to support you as a volunteer, so the training provided is relevant and tailored to your role.

We recognise there may be learning and skills you have gained through your life experiences, and training is designed to complement these with further opportunities to enhance your individual skills.

We aim to make training accessible to all, regardless of geography, education, personal circumstances or additional needs.

Training will also provide you with the opportunities to interact and share your experiences with other volunteers.

The training and development opportunities available are dependent on your role but they range from skills-based training such as first aid, risk assessment, safeguarding and public relations through to experience in leadership, management, communication, organisation, child protection, executive training and experience of working with young people.

How it Works

Our Adult Training Scheme is made up of a number of modules that cover each of these different development areas. It is a UK-wide scheme, so the training you complete in one place will be recognised in another.

There are two parts to each of these modules:


Learning provides the opportunity to gain or improve the knowledge and skills which you need to develop for your role.

The methods used for learning can involve more traditional styles, such as learning by doing and small group work, but these are complemented by methods such as courses, workbooks, online videos and e-learning. This offers flexibility as you can choose the method most appropriate to you.

Prior learning, knowledge and experience are also recognised as forms of learning and are valued within the Adult Training Scheme.

Therefore, you may not need to complete learning for every aspect of your training. This is especially so if you can clearly show that you are able to meet the module objectives by demonstrating your skills in your volunteer role through the validation process.


Validation is the process of demonstrating to a Training Adviser (a person who supports volunteers in their training) that you can meet the objectives of a module in practice.

This can be done through a variety of methods, including the Training Adviser observing you in your volunteer role, providing evidence such as witness statements or discussing the key content of the module with your Training Advisor.

Successful validation is essential for each module relevant to your role.

Wood Badge

The Wood Badge is an award made to all leaders that complete their training. It is made up of two wooden beads on a leather thong and leaders are, justifiably, proud to wear them with their uniforms. The Wood Badge signifies and celebrates the commitment that adult volunteers make to Scouting, to their training and to delivering fantastic Scouting to young people.

Training Advisor

A Training Adviser is a local volunteer who supports other volunteers undertaking training. They will help you to identify learning needs and support you in completing your learning validation.